Self Assessment

Process Into Writing like a Writer


        As I was beginning writing my essays, I made sure I was following along the prompts that were provided. I believe I did really well and followed every direction. But writing all of these three essays were not easy in order for them to be written as a writer. As a person who doesn’t really like using big words, as it can get confusing for the writer and reader, trying to come up with words that aren’t as formal was hard. Even though it was more considerate to write informal essays, I tried to make my essays sound more mature. I can say I am content with how the majority of my essays turned out. 


      For my personal narrative, I believe this was the essay i enjoyed doing the most. The reason being because i got to explain my process and journey of why and how i decided to join the subgroup, Fitness. When first writing this essay, I began with kind of big words, meaning I tried starting off as a formal way but then I wanted to use more informal language to grab the reader’s attention more. One of the rhetorical situations that I provided in my essay was visualization. I described what I saw the first time I went to the gym and this is important because the audience gets a sense of what’s going on in my point of view. It gives them the sense of imagery of what the gym looked like. For my rough draft, my peer was very helpful and helped me fix some mistakes and make my writing become more of an entertaining piece of writing. As stated in my personal essay, “I began working out at home, where I could at least, be myself. It helped a lot, but something was off. I wasn’t as consistent as I thought I would be” (Arteaga, pg.1). My peer gave me feedback as to how to make it better, that being by stating how I started and what made me start fitness. All of these helpful suggestions helped me a lot because I aimed to write as a better writer and elaborate on my key details more profoundly. 


       For my research paper, it was the same process but slightly different. For me, it was slightly more difficult because we had to do research about the history of our subgroup. In this essay, I did make sure to add big words because in a research paper, you’re trying to grab the reader’s attention by providing informative details. During writing the essay, I learned many new things myself, such as why people actually consider fitness and why it’s important for one’s health and lifestyle. For this essay, we had to provide citations from different scholarly sources and media sources as well. I think I did good on this part by providing details from sources that came from people part of the subgroup. The editing on this essay was not as easy as I thought it would be because some of my sources were journals, which was not a source I was supposed to use. Therefore, I had to consider researching more sources that talked about my subgroup. Rhetorical resources used in this essay was the sources used and how it related to my subgroup. 


   For my autoethnography essay, i found it to be very easy to complete. It was in short words, a combination of my personal essay and sources that backed it up from my research essay. My language in this essay was informal as well because as said before, I want to leave the audience with a brief and clear understanding of what I’m trying to depict about this topic. For this, I made sure the way I introduced my citations was the correct way and in order for me to make sure I was doing it correctly, I used the MLA format that I was provided with. This helped me a lot because I didn’t have much sense of how to cite citations from different sources but MLA format was very helpful. For this essay, I wanted to be certain that I wasn’t repeating what I had previously said in my prior essays. Even though repetition is considered to be something beneficial for an autoethnography essay, I made sure I wasn’t repeating myself with the same facts. 


  These essays impacted me in many positive ways not only by providing the audience with facts and personal life experience details about this subgroup, but it also helped me with my view on writing and becoming a better writer. Writing essays wasn’t easy as it seemed at first but since we got to write three different types of essays, I got used to the idea of learning how to write a proper one and provide the details needed. 


                                         Works Cited


   Arteaga, Valery. “Personal Narrative Essay”. November 30, 2022. Composition for History and Culture 10103 FIQWS, The City College of New York. 

  Arteaga, Valery. “ The Journey to Fitness and a Better Mental Health”.  20 October, 2022. Composition for History and Culture 10103 FIQWS, The City College of New York.

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